Weddings, Birthdays, & Festivals
All that stuff about weddings, birthdays, and festivals as a tagline to give a little teaser

Conferences, Retreats, & Reunions
All that stuff about Conferences, Retreats, & Reunions as a tagline to give a little teaser

Marketplaces, Vending, & Booths
All that stuff about Markets, Vending, & Booths as a tagline to give a little teaser

Creating Connections
Something about the history and previous events and
conferences that have been hosted by Green Meadow Hall.

Weddings, Birthdays, & Festivals
Hopefully Lily will let the center use this pic from her wedding because it’s one of the best wedding shots from the center I’ve seen
Conferences, Retreats, & Reunions
This will be where we entice folks to want to have their parties and gatherings here at the center

Markets & Vending
This is where we’ll have a little verbage about the vending and the types of events surrounding it
Golf Cart Rentals
Getting around just got a lot easier. Be sure to book your golf cart in advance. They go quick!

“Great time at the Farm Market Day”
Leah Thomas

“Wonderful, secluded retreat for conferences.”
Patricia McCarthy

“Totally professional, yet very relaxed.”
Kate Foreman
Let’s work together on your
next conference
Meadow Green Hall Conference Center